Every time any information is uploaded to a website hosting account or downloaded from it, website traffic is produced and this is an attribute that each and every hosting plan comes with. It is moreover among the attributes you have to take a look at, since the amount of website traffic quota you'll need depends on the things you need the account for. The site traffic is mainly produced by downloads which includes web site visits. In simple terms, anytime somebody opens your website, the pages are downloaded from the server on his/her computer and they are subsequently displayed by their web browser. It is also important to be aware that uploads are considered as well, which means that any time you transfer bigger files from your computer system to the server, some site traffic is generated too. Different companies sometimes have different names for this particular feature, such as traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, however all of them apply to the exact same thing - the amount of incoming and outgoing info generated for some period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Website Hosting
The monthly traffic allowance for all of our website hosting packages is sufficient for every site. Whether you have a blog, a discussion forum or electronic commerce portal, the amount of information can be transferred to and from your account or hitting some modest quota limit will never be a cause for your sites to be inaccessible. Furthermore, we provide you with elaborate site traffic statistics, so you'll have the option to keep track of how much data is being downloaded at any time. The monthly, daily and hourly results will inform you on how the websites are performing, what type of files produce most of the website traffic plus much more important details to help you control the websites along with your account altogether. The stats can be reached with just a few mouse-clicks in the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
As our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages are rather powerful, we have decided not to set any kind of restriction for the monthly website traffic that an account can produce. We believe that if you get a hosting plan that features a lot of processing power, your web sites will presumptively have plenty of visitors and given that each and every visitor makes a part of the website traffic, you can end up getting inaccessible websites in case there was some restriction for this particular characteristic. With truly unlimited website traffic, you can be sure this won't happen. For your convenience, you will be able to monitor the data being downloaded and the website traffic that is generated for each domain with monthly, daily and hourly numbers that will inform you on how popular your sites are. You will be able to even view the web pages and files which have produced the most web site traffic in the semi-dedicated account.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
Taking into account how powerful our dedicated hosting are, the data transfer that you'll receive every month will be sufficient for any type of web site irrespective of the number of its visitors, even if you provide file or image hosting. You will get an allowance of terabytes of traffic every single month and since you will not share the server with anyone else, that allowance will be supplied only for your sites and web applications. We will let you know the moment you reach 90% of your quota so that you can react and either optimize your websites to lessen the traffic they make, or extend the limit. It is extremely unlikely that you'll ever need more than what we'll provide you with, however we won't restrict the growth of your sites, that's why we leave the chance to add additional website traffic open. The dedicated server plans come with an administration panel where you'll be able to see how much website traffic has been produced to date for the current month and how much is left until you get to the limit. Considering the fact that these figures feature software setups as well as all updates, they are more accurate than various hosting Control Panel statistics which include just the traffic generated by web sites.